10 November 2007


We arrived here in Athens a few hours ago after what we agreed was the scariest plane ride of our lives. This was due to the incredibly gusty winds combined with our little tiny plane. Reminiscent of the WildMaus rollercoaster at Oktoberfest. You know it's bad when everyone on board starts laughing and clapping loudly when the plane finally touched down, after ten minutes of complete silence when everyone was contemplating what their last words should be. Terrifying and we've never been happier to step inside an airport.

At the moment we're in some cafe and are waiting for a more acceptable time to eat. It seems that Greeks do not eat dinner until around 10pm. Tomorrow we're setting off for our cruise and hopefully will have time to do a little self-guided tour before we leave.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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