02 December 2007

And just to make it a little longer...

We missed ourtrain stop in Boussens (Marisa wrapped up in emails, Ed in "For Whom the Bell Tolls"), ended up getting off 2 stops later in the town of Saint Gerons, to find that there is no train back to Boussens tonight and even if there were we wouldn't make it in time to catch the bus to St Girons, where Ivan would be waiting.

So, we are now sitting in a comfortable room at the Hotel de la Gare in Saint Gerons and we will catch a 7:30 train then bus to St Girons tomorow morning. It worked out well, Ivan actually seemed relieved to not have to pick us up that late tonight. And we get our own bathroom and shower for one more night!

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

just so you know, mom wants uggs too.